
The enzyme molybdenum nitrogenase converts atmospheric nitrogen gas to ammonia and is of critical importance for the cycling of nitrogen in the biosphere and for the sustainability of life. Alternative vanadium and iron-only nitrogenases that are homologous to molybdenum nitrogenases are also found in archaea and bacteria, but they have a different transition metal, either vanadium or iron, at their active sites. So far alternative nitrogenases have only been found in microbes that also have molybdenum nitrogenase. They are less widespread than molybdenum nitrogenase in bacteria and archaea, and they are less efficient. The presumption has been that alternative nitrogenases are fail-safe enzymes that are used in situations where molybdenum is limiting. Recent work indicates that vanadium nitrogenase may play a role in the global biological nitrogen cycle and iron-only nitrogenase may contribute products that shape microbial community interactions in nature.


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