
Temperate bacteriophages (phages) are viruses of bacteria. Upon infection of a susceptible host, a temperate phage can establish either a lytic cycle that kills the host or a lysogenic cycle as a stable prophage. The life cycle pursued by an infecting temperate phage can have a significant impact not only on the individual host bacterium at the cellular level but also on bacterial communities and evolution in the ecosystem. Thus, understanding the decision processes of temperate phages is crucial. This review delves into the molecular mechanisms behind lysis–lysogeny decision-making in Gram-positive phages. We discuss a variety of molecular mechanisms and the genetic organization of these well-understood systems. By elucidating the strategies used by phages to make lysis–lysogeny decisions, we can improve our understanding of phage–host interactions, which is crucial for a variety of studies including bacterial evolution, community and ecosystem diversification, and phage therapeutics.


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