
I became a microbiologist in post-WWII Japan, working with Toshio Fukasawa on galactose metabolism in . We characterized mutants defective in UDP-galactose 4-epimerase, which produced a defective lipopolysaccharide, and this opened doors for me to study lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, which I pursued in the United States, in the laboratory of Herman Kalckar. After I moved to Berkeley, California, in 1969, I became interested in the function of bacterial outer membranes, a line of work that led to the discovery and characterization of porins as well as the studies on the mycobacterial cell wall. In the early 1990s, it became clear that the outer membrane permeability barrier and the activity of periplasmic β-lactamase are not enough to explain the resistance of some strains to β-lactam antibiotics, and the search for the missing factor led to the discovery of RND family multidrug efflux pumps, subjects that continue to fascinate me to this day.


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Literature Cited

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