
The automation of one-loop amplitudes plays a key role in addressing several computational challenges for hadron collider phenomenology: They are needed for simulations including next-to-leading-order corrections, which can be large at hadron colliders. They also allow the exact computation of loop-induced processes. A high degree of automation has now been achieved in public codes that do not require expert knowledge and can be widely used in the high-energy physics community. In this article, we review many of the methods and tools used for the different steps of automated one-loop amplitude calculations: renormalization of the Lagrangian, derivation and evaluation of the amplitude, its decomposition onto a basis of scalar integrals and their subsequent evaluation, as well as computation of the rational terms.

[Erratum, Closure]

An erratum has been published for this article:
Erratum: Automated Computation of One-Loop Amplitudes

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