
We present a broad conceptual introduction to some new ideas in nonperturbative quantum field theory (QFT) that have led to progress toward an understanding of quark confinement in gauge theories and, more broadly, toward a nonperturbative continuum definition of QFTs. We first present exact orbifold equivalences of supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric QFTs in the large- limit and exact equivalences of large- theories in infinite volume to large- theories in finite volume, or even at a single point. We discuss principles by which calculable QFTs are continuously connected to strong-coupling QFTs, allowing understanding of the physics of confinement or the absence thereof. We discuss the role of particular saddle solutions, termed bions, in weak-coupling calculable regimes. The properties of bions motivate an extension of semiclassical methods used to evaluate functional integrals to include families of complex saddles (Picard–Lefschetz theory). This analysis leads us to the resurgence program, which may provide a framework for combining divergent perturbation series with semiclassical instanton and bion/renormalon contributions. This program could provide a nonperturbative definition of the path integral.


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