
The study of high-energy heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider has evolved from a qualitative understanding to the precise extraction of the properties of the quantum chromodynamics medium at extremely high temperatures. Jet quenching has offered unique insights into the transport properties of the quark–gluon plasma (QGP) created in these energetic collisions. Apart from medium modification of jets, jet-induced medium excitation constitutes another crucial aspect of jet–QGP interaction and is indispensable in understanding the soft components of jets. We review recent theoretical and phenomenological developments regarding medium response to jet energy loss, including an overview of both weakly and strongly coupled approaches for describing the thermalization and propagation of energy deposition from jets, effects of medium response on jet observables, and exploration of its unique signatures in jet–hadron correlations. Jet-induced medium excitation is shown to be an essential component in probing the in-medium dynamics of jets and a critical step toward precise extraction of the QGP properties.


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