
▪ Abstract 

The genome sequences of important model systems are available and the focus is now shifting to large-scale experiments enabled by this data. Following in the footsteps of genomics, we have functional genomics, proteomics, and even metabolomics, roughly paralleling the biological hierarchy of the transcription, translation, and production of small molecules. Proteomics is initially concerned with determining the structure, expression, localization, biochemical activity, interactions, and cellular roles of as many proteins as possible. There has been great progress owing to novel instrumentation, experimental strategies, and bioinformatics methods. The area of protein-protein interactions has been especially fruitful. First pass interaction maps of some model organisms exist, and the proteins in many important organelles are about to be determined. Researchers are also beginning to integrate large-scale data sets from various “omics” disciplines in targeted investigations of specific biomedical areas and in pursuit of a general framework for systems biology.


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