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The strategy of management in childhood renal failure is to integrate available therapeutic modalities with the natural history of the disease in such a manner that linear growth is preserved. Attention to psychosocial growth is necessary for full rehabilitation. Treatment is ordered to provide hope and confidence to family and patient. Conservative medical therapy provides chemical stabilization and prophylaxis against bone disease and growth retardation. Planned progression to replacement of renal function by dialysis or renal transplant is made when growth or control of bone disease is no longer possible, but before complications occur. Therapy is effective; 90% of patients survive 5-10 years with 65% retaining a functioning allograft. Full rehabilitation is attained in 85-90% of post-transplant and 50% of dialysis patients. Technical advances now allow safe dialysis for all age groups. Although growth maintenance remains a major problem, it is possible that earlier metabolic control and transplantation to protect growth in the critical early years, together with improved control of rejection, may allow close approximation to optimal growth potential.
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