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This review describes the properties and interactions of the top quark, to date the most massive fundamental particle discovered by experiment. We describe the measurements of the rate of pair production via the strong interaction and the techniques used to elucidate evidence for single production via the electroweak interaction. We also discuss investigations of the properties of the top quark, including potential beyond the standard model production and decay mechanisms. We pay particular attention to the explanation of the recent advances in the precision measurement of the top quark mass.
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Web pages for Top Quark physics groups: Interpretation of ElectroWeak precision measurements: References: The arXiv preprints are archived here. Section 2: Top quark pair production: Section 3: Top quark decay Section 4: Top quark mass Section 5: Single top quark production
Tevatron: CDF and
Tevatron and LEP
Below is an archive of the referenced conference notes for preliminary results from CDF and D0.
Reference 11 dilepton CDF conference note 8802 and 8770 (PDF).
Reference 12 dilepton D0 conference note 5477, also 5465 and 5371 (PDF).
Reference 13 single lepton ANN CDF conference note 8092 (PDF).
Reference 18 single lepton b-tag CDF conference note 8795 (PDF).
Reference 22 ttbar mass D0 conference note 5443 (PDF).
Reference 25 charge asymmetry CDF conference note 9169 (PDF).
Reference 26 scalar top D0 conference note 5438 (PDF).
Reference 28 dilepton with tau D0 conference note 5451 (PDF).
Reference 29 charged higgs D0 conference note 5466 (PDF).
Reference 31 top quark electric charge CDF conference note 8967 (PDF).
Reference 34 W helicity CDF conference note 8971 (PDF).
Reference 40 single lepton matrix element D0 conference note 5362 (PDF).
Reference 42 all-hadronic matrix element CDF conference note 8709 (PDF).
Reference 43 dilepton D0 conference note 5347 (PDF).
Reference 52 single top quark search CDF conference note 8968 and 8964 (PDF).
Reference 55 W' search CDF conference note 9150 (PDF).