Galactic Stellar Populations in the Era of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Other Large Surveys: Supplemental Video 1
A supplemental video from the 2012 review by Željko Ivezić, Timothy C. Beers, and Mario Jurić, "Galactic Stellar Populations in the Era of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Other Large Surveys," from the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The distribution of RR Lyrae stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 contrasted with an artist's concept of the disk plane. The color scheme displays the RR Lyrae number density multiplied by the cube of the Galactocentric radius (logarithmic scale, from light blue to red). Note the rich structure present. The white dots, outlined by white dashed lines, show the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal ("Sgr dwarf") and its tidal streams, as modeled by the Law, Johnston & Majewski (2005) "spherical" model (the model stream overlaps with one of the detected clumps, Sgr; for discussion, see Sesar et al. 2010a). Adapted from Sesar et al. 2010a.