Nanoscale Electrokinetics and Microvortices: How Microhydrodynamics Affects Nanofluidic Ion Flux: Supplemental Video 2
A supplemental video from the 2012 review by Hsueh-Chia Chang, Gilad Yossifon, and Evgeny A. Demekhin, "Nanoscale Electrokinetics and Microvortices: How Microhydrodynamics Affects Nanofluidic Ion Flux," from the Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics.
Movie showing the depletion-layer pattern evolution as a response to a step input of 40 V. In particular, we clearly see the complex process of wavelength selection by small vortices breaking up through fusion and transformation into still larger vortices until a quasi-steady like pattern is formed in the case of the deep (122-µm) microchamber.
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