Active Properties of Neocortical Pyramidal Neuron Dendrites: Supplemental Video 2


A supplemental video from the 2013 review by Guy Major, Matthew E. Larkum, and Jackie Schiller, "Active Properties of Neocortical Pyramidal Neuron Dendrites," from the Annual Review of Neuroscience.

The supplemental movies show time evolution of I-V curves and membrane potential (Vm) of models, following a brief pulse of glutamate, with AMPAR conductances yielding just subthreshold and just-suprathreshold responses. Pale orange line in top panel and X in bottom right panel indicate threshold when bistable state exists.

In Supplemental Videos 1 and 2, the highest gmax NMDA = 5 × leak. Video 1: gmax AMPA = 2.1 × leak (subthreshold). Video 2: gmax AMPA = 2.2 × leak (suprathreshold). Would see small spike ‘riding on’ big subthreshold response (if superimposed).

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