More than Meets the Eye: Hidden Structures in the Proteome: Video 3


A video from the 2016 review by Hal Wasserman and Erica Ollmann Saphire, "More than Meets the Eye: Hidden Structures in the Proteome," from the Annual Review of Virology.

Shown: A modeled morph between the two folds of lymphotactin. Residues 61–70 have been modeled into the final structure to facilitate the final morph and allow the complete α-helix to be included. The beginning structure is the originally disordered Ltn10 monomeric form that functions as a chemokine (PDB: 1J8I). The final structure is one protomer of the biologically active dimer, Ltn40, which functions in chemotaxis (PDB: 1J8I).

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