
RNA degradosomes are multienzyme complexes composed of ribonucleases, RNA helicases, and metabolic enzymes. RNase E–based degradosomes are widespread in . The RNA degradosome is sequestered from transcription in the nucleoid and translation in the cytoplasm by localization to the inner cytoplasmic membrane, where it forms short-lived clusters that are proposed to be sites of mRNA degradation. In , RNA degradosomes localize to ribonucleoprotein condensates in the interior of the cell [bacterial ribonucleoprotein-bodies (BR-bodies)], which have been proposed to drive the concerted degradation of mRNA to nucleotides. The turnover of mRNA in growing cells is important for maintaining pools of nucleotides for transcription and DNA replication.Membrane attachment of the RNA degradosome is necessary to avoid wasteful degradation of intermediates in ribosome assembly. Sequestering RNA degradosomes to BR-bodies, which exclude structured RNA, could have a similar role in protecting intermediates in ribosome assembly from degradation.


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