
Amino acid dysregulation has emerged as an important driver of disease progression in various contexts. -Serine lies at a central node of metabolism, linking carbohydrate metabolism, transamination, glycine, and folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism to protein synthesis and various downstream bioenergetic and biosynthetic pathways. -Serine is produced locally in the brain but is sourced predominantly from glycine and one-carbon metabolism in peripheral tissues via liver and kidney metabolism. Compromised regulation or activity of -serine synthesis and disposal occurs in the context of genetic diseases as well as chronic disease states, leading to low circulating -serine levels and pathogenesis in the nervous system, retina, heart, and aging muscle. Dietary interventions in preclinical models modulate sensory neuropathy, retinopathy, tumor growth, and muscle regeneration. A serine tolerance test may provide a quantitative readout of -serine homeostasis that identifies patients who may be susceptible to neuropathy or responsive to therapy.


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