
The creation of a pharmacokinetic (PK) curve, which follows the plasma concentration of an administered drug as a function of time, is a critical aspect of the drug development process and includes such information as the drug's bioavailability, clearance, and elimination half-life. Prior to a drug of interest gaining clearance for use in human clinical trials, research is performed during the preclinical stages to establish drug safety and dosing metrics from data obtained from the PK studies. Both in vivo animal models and in vitro platforms have limitations in predicting human reaction to a drug due to differences in species and associated simplifications, respectively. As a result, in silico experiments using computer simulation have been implemented to accurately predict PK parameters in human studies. This review assesses these three approaches (in vitro, in vivo, and in silico) when establishing PK parameters and evaluates the potential for in silico studies to be the future gold standard of PK preclinical studies.


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