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Accurate continuum models of flow and segregation of dense granular flows are now possible. This is the result of extensive comparisons, over the last several years, of computer simulations of increasing accuracy and scale, experiments, and continuum models, in a variety of flows and for a variety of mixtures. Computer simulations—discrete element methods (DEM)—yield remarkably detailed views of granular flow and segregation. Conti-nuum models, however, offer the best possibility for parametric studies of outcomes in what could be a prohibitively large space resulting from the competition between three distinct driving mechanisms: advection, diffusion, and segregation. We present a continuum transport equation–based framework, informed by phenomenological constitutive equations, that accurately predicts segregation in many settings, both industrial and natural. Three-way comparisons among experiments, DEM, and theory are offered wherever possible to validate the approach. In addition to the flows and mixtures described here, many straightforward extensions of the framework appear possible.
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