
This review covers three decades of research on mesoscale phenomena in chemical engineering, from the energy minimization multiscale (EMMS) model specific for gas–solid fluidization to a general principle of compromise in competition between dominant mechanisms, leading to the proposed concept of mesoscience. First, the concept of mesoscales is reviewed with respect to their commonality, diversity, and misunderstanding in different fields. Then, the evolution from the EMMS model to the EMMS principle common to all mesoscales is described to show the rationale of mesoscience referring to both mesoscales and mesoregimes. Finally, the potential universality of mesoscience and its importance, particularly to enable virtual process engineering (VPE) by realizing the consistency of logic and structure between the problem, the model, the software, and the computer, are discussed. The review concludes by illustrating possible case studies to collect more evidence and a potential framework for mesoscience.


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