
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) polymerization uses vapor phase monomeric reactants to synthesize organic thin films directly on substrates. These thin films are desirable as conformal surface engineering materials and functional layers. The facile tunability of the films and their surface properties allow successful integration of CVD thin films into prototypes for applications in surface modification, device fabrication, and protective films. CVD polymers also bridge microfabrication technology with chemical and biological systems. Robust coatings can be achieved via CVD methods as antifouling, anti-icing, and antihydrate surfaces, as well as stimuli-responsive or biocompatible polymers and novel nanostructures. Use of low-energy input, modest vacuum, and room-temperature substrates renders CVD polymerization compatible with thermally sensitive substrates and devices. Compared with solution-based methods, CVD is particularly useful for insoluble materials, such as electrically conductive polymers and controllably crosslinked networks, and has the potential to reduce environmental, health, and safety impacts associated with solvents. This review discusses the relevant background and selected applications of recent advances by two methods that display and use the high retention of the organic functional groups from their respective monomers, initiated CVD (iCVD) and oxidative CVD (oCVD) polymerization.


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