
As the global population grows in size and increasingly lives in cities, and with lifestyles based on greater material consumption, more attention is being given to the integrated system that supplies our energy, water, and food, the Nexus. There is also mounting concern about effects on the Nexus of climate change and damage to the natural environment that provides essential ecosystem services. Nexus analysis applies existing techniques, such as computational modelling and Life Cycle Assessment, but new frameworks and tools are needed, including those that will integrate societal and technical dimensions. Case studies show the vital role played by stakeholder involvement in clarifying issues, priorities, and values. They also demonstrate the importance of an integrated systems view of the complex interrelationships of the Nexus when planning effective remedies. Assessments conclude that transformative social and political change is needed to create new structures, markets, and governance to deal with the Nexus if we are to meet agreed-upon sustainable development goals.


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