
Energy dissipation due to intrinsic attenuation occurs at elevated temperatures in rocks as a result of a range of processes. Examples where small-strain, transient deformation occurs are seismic waves, tidal deformation, and at longer timescales post-glacial rebound and far-field post-seismic deformation. Experiments at mantle temperatures and seismic frequencies show that grain boundary sliding is a key process that results in a broad absorption band, as indicated by seismic observations. Models of grain boundary sliding predict a smooth transition from elastic behavior through an anelastic regime toward viscous (Maxwell) behavior, consistent with experimental observations. Other mechanisms that may contribute to dissipation in Earth, at least locally, are dislocations and melt. Extrapolation of the laboratory data shows that first-order observations of planetary behavior and structure can be explained by the effects of temperature and pressure on transient creep properties, but that locally, additional mechanisms are required.


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