
An enormous amount of work has been done on aging in , a classical genetic and molecular model system, but also in numerous other insects. However, these two extensive bodies of work remain poorly integrated to date. Studies in often explore genetic, developmental, physiological, and nutrition-related aspects of aging in the lab, while studies in other insects often explore ecological, social, and somatic aspects of aging in both lab and natural populations. Alongside exciting genomic and molecular research advances in aging in , many new studies have also been published on aging in various other insects, including studies on aging in natural populations of diverse species. However, no broad synthesis of these largely separate bodies of work has been attempted. In this review, we endeavor to synthesize these two semi-independent literatures to facilitate collaboration and foster the exchange of ideas and research tools. While lab studies of have illuminated many fundamental aspects of senescence, the stunning diversity of aging patterns among insects, especially in the context of their rich ecology, remains vastlyunderstudied. Coupled with field studies and novel, more easily applicable molecular methods, this represents a major opportunity for deepening our understanding of the biology of aging in insects and beyond.


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