
The specialized two-stage meiotic cell division program halves a cell's chromosome complement in preparation for sexual reproduction. This reduction in ploidy requires that in meiotic prophase, each pair of homologous chromosomes (homologs) identify one another and form physical links through DNA recombination. Here, we review recent advances in understanding the complex morphological changes that chromosomes undergo during meiotic prophase to promote homolog identification and crossing over. We focus on the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family cohesin complexes and the meiotic chromosome axis, which together organize chromosomes and promote recombination. We then discuss the architecture and dynamics of the conserved synaptonemal complex (SC), which assembles between homologs and mediates local and global feedback to ensure high fidelity in meiotic recombination. Finally, we discuss exciting new advances, including mechanisms for boosting recombination on particular chromosomes or chromosomal domains and the implications of a new liquid crystal model for SC assembly and structure.


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