
Repeat-enriched genomic regions evolve rapidly and yet support strictly conserved functions like faithful chromosome transmission and the preservation of genome integrity. The leading resolution to this paradox is that DNA repeat–packaging proteins evolve adaptively to mitigate deleterious changes in DNA repeat copy number, sequence, and organization. Exciting new research has tested this model of coevolution by engineering evolutionary mismatches between adaptively evolving chromatin proteins of one species and the DNA repeats of a close relative. Here, we review these innovative evolution-guided functional analyses. The studies demonstrate that vital, chromatin-mediated cellular processes, including transposon suppression, faithful chromosome transmission, and chromosome retention depend on species-specific versions of chromatin proteins that package species-specific DNA repeats. In many cases, the ever-evolving repeats are selfish genetic elements, raising the possibility that chromatin is a battleground of intragenomic conflict.


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