
Proteins are the molecular effectors of the information encoded in the genome. Proteomics aims at understanding the molecular functions of proteins in their biological context. In contrast to transcriptomics and genomics, the study of proteomes provides deeper insight into the dynamic regulatory layers encoded at the protein level, such as posttranslational modifications, subcellular localization, cell signaling, and protein–protein interactions. Currently, mass spectrometry (MS)–based proteomics is the technology of choice for studying proteomes at a system-wide scale, contributing to clinical biomarker discovery and fundamental molecular biology. MS technologies are continuously being developed to fulfill the requirements of speed, resolution, and quantitative accuracy, enabling the acquisition of comprehensive proteomes. In this review, we present how MS technology and acquisition methods have evolved to meet the requirements of cutting-edge proteomics research, which is describing the human proteome and its dynamic posttranslational modifications with unprecedented depth. Finally, we provide a perspective on studying proteomes at single-cell resolution.


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