
Tuft cells—rare solitary chemosensory cells in mucosal epithelia—are undergoing intense scientific scrutiny fueled by recent discovery of unsuspected connections to type 2 immunity. These cells constitute a conduit by which ligands from the external space are sensed via taste-like signaling pathways to generate outputs unique among epithelial cells: the cytokine IL-25, eicosanoids associated with allergic immunity, and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The classic type II taste cell transcription factor POU2F3 is lineage defining, suggesting a conceptualization of these cells as widely distributed environmental sensors with effector functions interfacing type 2 immunity and neural circuits. Increasingly refined single-cell analytics have revealed diversity among tuft cells that extends from nasal epithelia and type II taste cells to ex--expressing medullary thymic cells and small-intestine cells that mediate tissue remodeling in response to colonizing helminths and protists.


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