
High-energy diffraction microscopy (HEDM) is an implementation of three-dimensional X-ray diffraction microscopy. HEDM yields maps of internal crystal orientation fields, strain states, grain shapes and locations as well as intragranular orientation distributions, and grain boundary character. Because it is nondestructive in hard materials, notably metals and ceramics, HEDM has been used to study responses of these materials to external fields including high temperature and mechanical loading. Currently available sources and detectors lead to a spatial resolution of ∼1 μm and an orientation resolution of <0.1. With the penetration characteristic of high energies ( ≥ 50 keV), sample cross-section dimensions of ∼1 mm can be studied in materials containing elements across much of the Periodic Table. This review describes hardware and software associated with HEDM as well as examples of applications. These applications include studies of grain growth, recrystallization, texture development, orientation gradients, deformation twinning, annealing twinning, plastic deformation, and additive manufacturing. We also describe relationships to other X-ray-based methods as well as prospects for further development.


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