
Steel production accounts for approximately 8% of all global CO emissions, with the primary steelmaking route using iron ores contributing approximately 80% of those emissions, mainly due to the use of fossil-based reductants and fuel. Hydrogen-based reduction of iron oxide is an alternative for primary synthesis. However, to counteract global warming, decarbonization of the steel sector must proceed much faster than the ongoing transition kinetics in primary steelmaking. Insufficient supply of green hydrogen is a particular bottleneck. Realizing a higher fraction of secondary steelmaking is thus gaining momentum as a sustainable alternative to primary production. Steel production from scrap is well established for long products (rails, bars, wire), but there are two main challenges. First, there is not sufficient scrap available to satisfy market needs. Today, only one-third of global steel demand can be met by secondary metallurgy using scrap since many steel products have a lifetime of several decades. However, scrap availability will increase to about two-thirds of total demand by 2050 such that this sector will grow massively in the next decades. Second, scrap is often too contaminated to produce high-performance sheet steels. This is a serious obstacle because advanced products demand explicit low-tolerance specifications for safety-critical and high-strength steels, such as for electric vehicles, energy conversion and grids, high-speed trains, sustainable buildings, and infrastructure. Therefore, we review the metallurgical and microstructural challenges and opportunities for producing high-performance sheet steels via secondary synthesis. Focus is placed on the thermodynamic, kinetic, chemical, and microstructural fundamentals as well as the effects of scrap-related impurities on steel properties.


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