
My research activity started with studies on drug metabolism in rat liver microsomes in the early 1960s. The CO-binding pigment (cytochrome P450) had been discovered a few years earlier and was subsequently found to be involved in steroid hydroxylation in adrenal cortex microsomes. Our early studies suggested that it also participated in the oxidative demethylation of drugs catalyzed by liver microsomes, and that prior treatment of the animals with phenobarbital caused increased levels of the hemoprotein in the liver, and similarly enhanced rates of drug metabolism. Subsequent studies of cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism of toxic drugs in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes characterized critical cellular defense systems and identified mechanisms by which accumulating toxic metabolites could damage and kill the cells. These studies revealed that multiple types of cell death could result from the toxic injury, and that it is important to know which type of cell death results from the toxic injury.


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