Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology - Volume 59, 2019
Volume 59, 2019
Role of Cell Death in Toxicology: Does It Matter How Cells Die?
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 1–14More LessMy research activity started with studies on drug metabolism in rat liver microsomes in the early 1960s. The CO-binding pigment (cytochrome P450) had been discovered a few years earlier and was subsequently found to be involved in steroid hydroxylation in adrenal cortex microsomes. Our early studies suggested that it also participated in the oxidative demethylation of drugs catalyzed by liver microsomes, and that prior treatment of the animals with phenobarbital caused increased levels of the hemoprotein in the liver, and similarly enhanced rates of drug metabolism. Subsequent studies of cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism of toxic drugs in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes characterized critical cellular defense systems and identified mechanisms by which accumulating toxic metabolites could damage and kill the cells. These studies revealed that multiple types of cell death could result from the toxic injury, and that it is important to know which type of cell death results from the toxic injury.
Introduction to the Theme “New Therapeutic Targets”
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 15–20More Less“New Therapeutic Targets” is the theme of articles in the Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Volume 59. Reviews in this volume discuss targets for a variety of conditions in need of new therapies, including type 2 diabetes, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, obesity, thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, pain, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, muscle wasting diseases, cancer, and anemia associated with chronic renal disease. Numerous articles in this volume focus on the identification, validation, and utility of novel therapeutic targets, in particular, ones that involve new or unexpected molecular entities. This theme complements several previous themes, including “New Approaches for Studying Drug and Toxicant Action: Applications to Drug Discovery and Development,” “Precision Medicine and Prediction in Pharmacology,” and “New Methods and Novel Therapeutic Approaches in Pharmacology and Toxicology.”
Systems Pharmacology: Defining the Interactions of Drug Combinations
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 21–40More LessThe majority of diseases are associated with alterations in multiple molecular pathways and complex interactions at the cellular and organ levels. Single-target monotherapies therefore have intrinsic limitations with respect to their maximum therapeutic benefits. The potential of combination drug therapies has received interest for the treatment of many diseases and is well established in some areas, such as oncology. Combination drug treatments may allow us to identify synergistic drug effects, reduce adverse drug reactions, and address variability in disease characteristics between patients. Identification of combination therapies remains challenging. We discuss current state-of-the-art systems pharmacology approaches to enable rational identification of combination therapies. These approaches, which include characterization of mechanisms of disease and drug action at a systems level, can enable understanding of drug interactions at the molecular, cellular, physiological, and organismal levels. Such multiscale understanding can enable precision medicine by promoting the rational development of combination therapy at the level of individual patients for many diseases.
Drug Targets for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Mechanistic Approach and Review of Contemporary Clinical Trials
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 41–63More LessHeart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) accounts for over half of prevalent heart failure (HF) worldwide, and prognosis after hospitalization for HFpEF remains poor. Due, at least in part, to the heterogeneous nature of HFpEF, drug development has proved immensely challenging. Currently, there are no universally accepted therapies that alter the clinical course of HFpEF. Despite these challenges, important mechanistic understandings of the disease have revealed that the pathophysiology of HFpEF is distinct from that of HF with reduced ejection fraction and have also highlighted potential new therapeutic targets for HFpEF. Of note, HFpEF is a systemic syndrome affecting multiple organ systems. Depending on the organ systems involved, certain novel therapies offer promise in reducing the morbidity of the HFpEF syndrome. In this review, we aim to discuss novel pharmacotherapies for HFpEF based on its unique pathophysiology and identify key research strategies to further elucidate mechanistic pathways to develop novel therapeutics in the future.
Emerging Pharmacological Targets for the Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 65–87More LessType 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by persistent hyperglycemia despite hyperinsulinemia, affects more than 400 million people worldwide, and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Insulin resistance, of which ectopic lipid accumulation in the liver [nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)] and skeletal muscle is the root cause, plays a major role in the development of T2D. Although lifestyle interventions and weight loss are highly effective at reversing NAFLD and T2D, weight loss is difficult to sustain, and newer approaches aimed at treating the root cause of T2D are urgently needed. In this review, we highlight emerging pharmacological strategies aimed at improving insulin sensitivity and T2D by altering hepatic energy balance or inhibiting key enzymes involved in hepatic lipid synthesis. We also summarize recent research suggesting that liver-targeted mitochondrial uncoupling may be an attractive therapeutic approach to treat NAFLD, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and T2D.
Environmental Obesogens: Mechanisms and Controversies
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 89–106More LessObesity is a worldwide pandemic in adults as well as children and adds greatly to health care costs through its association with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and cancers. The prevailing medical view of obesity is that it results from a simple imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure. However, numerous other factors are important in the etiology of obesity. The obesogen hypothesis proposes that environmental chemicals termed obesogens promote obesity by acting to increase adipocyte commitment, differentiation, and size by altering metabolic set points or altering the hormonal regulation of appetite and satiety. Many obesogens are endocrine disrupting chemicals that interfere with normal endocrine regulation. Endocrine disrupting obesogens are abundant in our environment, used in everyday products from food packaging to fungicides. In this review, we explore the evidence supporting the obesogen hypothesis, as well as the gaps in our knowledge that are currently preventing a complete understanding of the extent to which obesogens contribute to the obesity pandemic.
The Exposome: Molecules to Populations
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 107–127More LessDerived from the term exposure, the exposome is an omic-scale characterization of the nongenetic drivers of health and disease. With the genome, it defines the phenome of an individual. The measurement of complex environmental factors that exert pressure on our health has not kept pace with genomics and historically has not provided a similar level of resolution. Emerging technologies make it possible to obtain detailed information on drugs, toxicants, pollutants, nutrients, and physical and psychological stressors on an omic scale. These forces can also be assessed at systems and network levels, providing a framework for advances in pharmacology and toxicology. The exposome paradigm can improve the analysis of drug interactions and detection of adverse effects of drugs and toxicants and provide data on biological responses to exposures. The comprehensive model can provide data at the individual level for precision medicine, group level for clinical trials, and population level for public health.
Challenges in Orphan Drug Development: Identification of Effective Therapy for Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 129–148More LessThyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), the ocular manifestation of Graves’ disease, is a process in which orbital connective tissues and extraocular muscles undergo inflammation and remodeling. The condition seems to result from autoimmune responses to antigens shared by the thyroid and orbit. The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), expressed at low levels in orbital tissues, is a leading candidate antigen. Recent evidence suggests that another protein, the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR), is overexpressed in TAO, and antibodies against IGF-IR have been detected in patients with the disease. Furthermore, TSHR and IGF-IR form a physical and functional complex, and signaling initiated at TSHR requires IGF-IR activity. Identification of therapy for this rare disease has proven challenging and currently relies on nonspecific and inadequate agents, thus representing an important unmet need. A recently completed therapeutic trial suggests that inhibiting IGF-IR activity with a monoclonal antibody may be an effective and safe treatment for active TAO.
Fingolimod: Lessons Learned and New Opportunities for Treating Multiple Sclerosis and Other Disorders
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 149–170More LessFingolimod (FTY720, Gilenya) was the first US Food and Drug Administration–approved oral therapy for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Research on modified fungal metabolites converged with basic science studies that had identified lysophospholipid (LP) sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptors, providing mechanistic insights on fingolimod while validating LP receptors as drug targets. Mechanism of action (MOA) studies identified receptor-mediated processes involving the immune system and the central nervous system (CNS). These dual actions represent a more general theme for S1P and likely other LP receptor modulators. Fingolimod's direct CNS activities likely contribute to its efficacy in MS, with particular relevance to treating progressive disease stages and forms that involve neurodegeneration. The evolving understanding of fingolimod's MOA has provided strategies for developing next-generation compounds with superior attributes, suggesting new ways to target S1P as well as other LP receptor modulators for novel therapeutics in the CNS and other organ systems.
The Neurobiology and Pharmacotherapy of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 171–189More LessNew approaches to the neurobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are needed to address the reported crisis in PTSD drug development. These new approaches may require the field to move beyond a narrow fear-based perspective, as fear-based medications have not yet demonstrated compelling efficacy. Antidepressants, particularly recent rapid-acting antidepressants, exert complex effects on brain function and structure that build on novel aspects of the biology of PTSD, including a role for stress-related synaptic dysconnectivity in the neurobiology and treatment of PTSD. Here, we integrate this perspective within a broader framework—in other words, a dual pathology model of (a) stress-related synaptic loss arising from amino acid–based pathology and (b) stress-related synaptic gain related to monoamine-based pathology. Then, we summarize the standard and experimental (e.g., ketamine) pharmacotherapeutic options for PTSD and discuss their putative mechanism of action and clinical efficacy.
The Placebo Effect in Pain Therapies
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 191–211More LessPharmacological strategies for pain management have primarily focused on dampening ascending neurotransmission and on opioid receptor–mediated therapies. Little is known about the contribution of endogenous descending modulatory systems to clinical pain outcomes and why some patients are mildly affected while others suffer debilitating pain-induced dysfunctions. Placebo effects that arise from patients’ positive expectancies and the underlying endogenous modulatory mechanisms may in part account for the variability in pain experience and severity, adherence to treatment, distinct coping strategies, and chronicity. Expectancy-induced analgesia and placebo effects in general have emerged as useful models to assess individual endogenous pain modulatory systems. Different systems and mechanisms trigger placebo effects that highly impact pain processing, clinical outcomes, and sense of well-being. This review illustrates critical elements of placebo mechanisms that inform the methodology of clinical trials, the discovery of new therapeutic targets, and the advancement of personalized pain management.
Molecular Pharmacology and Neurobiology of Rapid-Acting Antidepressants
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 213–236More LessFor decades, symptoms of depression have been treated primarily with medications that directly target the monoaminergic brain systems, which typically take weeks to exert measurable effects and months to exert remission of symptoms. Low, subanesthetic doses of (R,S)-ketamine (ketamine) result in the rapid improvement of core depressive symptoms, including mood, anhedonia, and suicidal ideation, occurring within hours following a single administration, with relief from symptoms typically lasting up to a week. The discovery of these actions of ketamine has resulted in a reconceptualization of how depression could be more effectively treated in the future. In this review, we discuss clinical data pertaining to ketamine and other rapid-acting antidepressant drugs, as well as the current state of pharmacological knowledge regarding their mechanism of action. Additionally, we discuss the neurobiological circuits that are engaged by this drug class and that may be targeted by a future generation of medications, for example, hydroxynorketamine; metabotropic glutamate receptor 2/3 antagonists; and N-methyl-d-aspartate, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, and γ-aminobutyric acid receptor modulators.
Nuclear Receptors as Therapeutic Targets for Neurodegenerative Diseases: Lost in Translation
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 237–261More LessNeurodegenerative diseases are characterized by a progressive loss of neurons that leads to a broad range of disabilities, including severe cognitive decline and motor impairment, for which there are no effective therapies. Several lines of evidence support a putative therapeutic role of nuclear receptors (NRs) in these types of disorders. NRs are ligand-activated transcription factors that regulate the expression of a wide range of genes linked to metabolism and inflammation. Although the activation of NRs in animal models of neurodegenerative disease exhibits promising results, the translation of this strategy to clinical practice has been unsuccessful. In this review we discuss the role of NRs in neurodegenerative diseases in light of preclinical and clinical studies, as well as new findings derived from the analysis of transcriptomic databases from humans and animal models. We discuss the failure in the translation of NR-based therapeutic approaches and consider alternative and novel research avenues in the development of effective therapies for neurodegenerative diseases.
The Potential of L-Type Calcium Channels as a Drug Target for Neuroprotective Therapy in Parkinson's Disease
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 263–289More LessThe motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) mainly arise from degeneration of dopamine neurons within the substantia nigra. As no disease-modifying PD therapies are available, and side effects limit long-term benefits of current symptomatic therapies, novel treatment approaches are needed. The ongoing phase III clinical study STEADY-PD is investigating the potential of the dihydropyridine isradipine, an L-type Ca2+ channel (LTCC) blocker, for neuroprotective PD therapy. Here we review the clinical and preclinical rationale for this trial and discuss potential reasons for the ambiguous outcomes of in vivo animal model studies that address PD-protective dihydropyridine effects. We summarize current views about the roles of Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 LTCC isoforms for substantia nigra neuron function, and their high vulnerability to degenerative stressors, and for PD pathophysiology. We discuss different dihydropyridine sensitivities of LTCC isoforms in view of their potential as drug targets for PD neuroprotection, and we conclude by considering how these aspects could guide further drug development.
Therapeutic Approaches to the Treatment of Tinnitus
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 291–313More LessTinnitus is a highly prevalent condition that is associated with hearing loss in most cases. In the absence of external stimuli, phantom perceptions of sounds emerge from alterations in neuronal activity within central auditory and nonauditory structures. Pioneering studies using lidocaine revealed that tinnitus is susceptible to pharmacological interventions. However, lidocaine is not effective in all patients, and no other drug has been identified with clear efficacy for the long-term treatment of tinnitus. In this review, we present recent advances in tinnitus research, including more detailed knowledge of its pathophysiology and involved neurotransmitter systems. Moreover, we summarize results from animal and clinical treatment studies as well as from studies that identified tinnitus as a side effect of pharmacological treatments. Finally, we focus on challenges in the development of pharmacological compounds for the treatment of tinnitus, namely the limitations of available animal models and of standardized clinical research methodologies.
Muscle Wasting Diseases: Novel Targets and Treatments
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 315–339More LessAdequate skeletal muscle plasticity is an essential element for our well-being, and compromised muscle function can drastically affect quality of life, morbidity, and mortality. Surprisingly, however, skeletal muscle remains one of the most under-medicated organs. Interventions in muscle diseases are scarce, not only in neuromuscular dystrophies, but also in highly prevalent secondary wasting pathologies such as sarcopenia and cachexia. Even in other diseases that exhibit a well-established risk correlation of muscle dysfunction due to a sedentary lifestyle, such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular pathologies, current treatments are mostly targeted on non-muscle tissues. In recent years, a renewed focus on skeletal muscle has led to the discovery of various novel drug targets and the design of new pharmacological approaches. This review provides an overview of the current knowledge of the key mechanisms involved in muscle wasting conditions and novel pharmacological avenues that could ameliorate muscle diseases.
Novel Clinical Toxicology and Pharmacology of Organophosphorus Insecticide Self-Poisoning
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 341–360More LessOrganophosphorus insecticide self-poisoning is a major global health problem, killing over 100,000 people annually. It is a complex multi-organ condition, involving the inhibition of cholinesterases, and perhaps other enzymes, and the effects of large doses of ingested solvents. Variability between organophosphorus insecticides—in lipophilicity, speed of activation, speed and potency of acetylcholinesterase inhibition, and in the chemical groups attached to the phosphorus—results in variable speed of poisoning onset, severity, clinical toxidrome, and case fatality. Current treatment is modestly effective, aiming only to reactivate acetylcholinesterase and counter the effects of excess acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors. Rapid titration of atropine during resuscitation is lifesaving and can be performed in the absence of oxygen. The role of oximes in therapy remains unclear. Novel antidotes have been tested in small trials, but the great variability in poisoning makes interpretation of such trials difficult. More effort is required to test treatments in adequately powered studies.
New Cell Cycle Inhibitors Target Aneuploidy in Cancer Therapy
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 361–377More LessAneuploidy is a hallmark of cancer. Defects in chromosome segregation result in aneuploidy. Multiple pathways are engaged in this process, including errors in kinetochore-microtubule attachments, supernumerary centrosomes, spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) defects, and chromosome cohesion defects. Although aneuploidy provides an adaptation and proliferative advantage in affected cells, excessive aneuploidy beyond a critical level can be lethal to cancer cells. Given this, enhanced chromosome missegregation is hypothesized to limit survival of aneuploid cancer cells, especially when compared to diploid cells. Based on this concept, proteins and pathways engaged in chromosome segregation are being exploited as candidate therapeutic targets for aneuploid cancers. Agents that induce chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy now exist, including SAC inhibitors, those that alter centrosome fidelity and others that are under active study in preclinical and clinical contexts. This review explores the therapeutic potentials of such new agents, including the benefits of combining them with other antineoplastic agents.
Pharmacologic Targeting of Hypoxia-Inducible Factors
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 379–403More LessHypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) control transcriptional responses to reduced O2 availability. HIFs are heterodimeric proteins composed of an O2-regulated HIF-α subunit and a constitutively expressed HIF-1β subunit. HIF-α subunits are subject to prolyl hydroxylation, which targets the proteins for degradation under normoxic conditions. Small molecule prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors, which stabilize the HIF-α subunits and increase HIF-dependent expression of erythropoietin, are in phase III clinical trials for the treatment of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease. HIFs contribute to the pathogenesis of many cancers, particularly the clear cell type of renal cell carcinoma in which loss of function of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor blocks HIF-2α degradation. A small molecule inhibitor that binds to HIF-2α and blocks dimerization with HIF-1β is in clinical trials for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. Targeting HIFs for stabilization or inhibition may improve outcomes in diseases that are common causes of mortality in the US population.
Surviving in the Valley of Death: Opportunities and Challenges in Translating Academic Drug Discoveries
Vol. 59 (2019), pp. 405–421More LessWith pharmaceutical companies shrinking their research departments and exiting out of efforts related to unprofitable diseases, society has become increasingly dependent on academic institutions to perform drug discovery and early-stage translational research. Academic drug discovery and translational research programs assist in shepherding promising therapeutic opportunities through the so-called valley of death in the hope that a successful new drug will result in saved lives, improved health, economic growth, and financial return. We have interviewed directors of 16 such academic programs in the United States and found that these programs and the projects therein face numerous challenges in reaching the clinic, including limited funding, lack of know-how, and lack of a regional drug development ecosystem. If these issues can be addressed through novel industry partnerships, the revision of government policies, and expanded programs in translational education, more effective new therapies are more likely to reach patients in need.
Previous Volumes
Volume 65 (2025)
Volume 64 (2024)
Volume 63 (2023)
Volume 62 (2022)
Volume 61 (2021)
Volume 60 (2020)
Volume 59 (2019)
Volume 58 (2018)
Volume 57 (2017)
Volume 56 (2016)
Volume 55 (2015)
Volume 54 (2014)
Volume 53 (2013)
Volume 52 (2012)
Volume 51 (2011)
Volume 50 (2010)
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Volume 6 (1966)
Volume 5 (1965)
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Volume 3 (1963)
Volume 2 (1962)
Volume 1 (1961)
Volume 0 (1932)