
We review recent advances in the characterization of electronic forms of energy transport in emerging semiconductors. The approaches described all temporally and spatially resolve the evolution of initially localized populations of photogenerated excitons or charge carriers. We first provide a comprehensive background for describing the physical origin and nature of electronic energy transport both microscopically and from the perspective of the observer. We introduce the new family of far-field, time-resolved optical microscopies developed to directly resolve not only the extent of this transport but also its potentially temporally and spatially dependent rate. We review a representation of examples from the recent literature, including investigation of energy flow in colloidal quantum dot solids, organic semiconductors, organic-inorganic metal halide perovskites, and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. These examples illustrate how traditional parameters like diffusivity are applicable only within limited spatiotemporal ranges and how the techniques at the core of this review,especially when taken together, are revealing a more complete picture of the spatiotemporal evolution of energy transport in complex semiconductors, even as a function of their structural heterogeneities.


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