
The size- and shape-controlled enhanced optical response of metal nanoparticles (NPs) is referred to as a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). LSPRs result in amplified surface and interparticle electric fields, which then enhance light absorption of the molecules or other materials coupled to the metallic NPs and/or generate hot carriers within the NPs themselves. When mediated by metallic NPs, photocatalysis can take advantage of this unique optical phenomenon. This review highlights the contributions of quantum mechanical modeling in understanding and guiding current attempts to incorporate plasmonic excitations to improve the kinetics of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions. A range of first-principles quantum mechanics techniques has offered insights, from ground-state density functional theory (DFT) to excited-state theories such as multireference correlated wavefunction methods. Here we discuss the advantages and limitations of these methods in the context of accurately capturing plasmonic effects, with accompanying examples.


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