
Ground-state Kohn-Sham density functional theory provides, in principle, the exact ground-state energy and electronic spin densities of real interacting electrons in a static external potential. In practice, the exact density functional for the exchange-correlation (xc) energy must be approximated in a computationally efficient way. About 20 mathematical properties of the exact xc functional are known. In this work, we review and discuss these known constraints on the xc energy and hole. By analyzing a sequence of increasingly sophisticated density functional approximations (DFAs), we argue that () the satisfaction of more exact constraints and appropriate norms makes a functional more predictive over the immense space of many-electron systems and () fitting to bonded systems yields an interpolative DFA that may not extrapolate well to systems unlike those in the fitting set. We discuss both how the class of well-described systems has grown along with constraint satisfaction and the possibilities for future functional development.


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