
All solid materials are created via nucleation. In this evolutionary process, nuclei form in solution or at interfaces, expand by monomeric growth and oriented attachment, and undergo phase transformation. Nucleation determines the location and size of nuclei, whereas growth controls the size, shape, and aggregation of newly formed nanoparticles. These physical properties of nanoparticles can affect their functionalities, reactivities, and porosities, as well as their fate and transport. Recent advances in nanoscale analytical technologies allow in situ real-time observations, enabling us to uncover the molecular nature of nuclei and the critical controlling factors for nucleation and growth. Although a single theory cannot yet fully explain such evolving processes, we have started to better understand how both classical andnonclassical theories can work together, and we have begun to recognize the importance of connecting these theories. This review discusses the recent convergence of knowledge about the nucleation and growth of nanoparticles.


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