
Plant-parasitic nematodes are one of the most insidious pests limiting agricultural production, parasitizing mostly belowground and occasionally aboveground plant parts. They are an important and underestimated component of the estimated 30% yield loss inflicted on crops globally by biotic constraints. Nematode damage is intensified by interactions with biotic and abiotic factors constraints: soilborne pathogens, soil fertility degradation, reduced soil biodiversity, climate variability, and policies influencing the development of improved management options. This review focuses on the following topics: () biotic and abiotic constraints, () modification of production systems, () agricultural policies, () the microbiome, () genetic solutions, and () remote sensing. Improving integrated nematode management (INM) across all scales of agricultural production and along the Global North–Global South divide, where inequalities influence access to technology, is discussed. The importance of the integration of technological development in INM is critical to improving food security and human well-being in the future.


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