
Nonhost resistance is a broad-spectrum plant defense that provides immunity to all members of a plant species against all isolates of a microorganism that is pathogenic to other plant species. Upon landing on the surface of a nonhost plant species, a potential bacterial pathogen initially encounters preformed and, later, induced plant defenses. One of the initial defense responses from the plant is pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI). Nonhost plants also have mechanisms to detect nonhost-pathogen effectors and can trigger a defense response referred to as effector-triggered immunity (ETI). This nonhost resistance response often results in a hypersensitive response (HR) at the infection site. This review provides an overview of these plant defense strategies. We enumerate plant genes that impart nonhost resistance and the bacterial counter-defense strategies. In addition, prospects for application of nonhost resistance to achieve broad-spectrum and durable resistance in crop plants are also discussed.


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