
With the availability of massive multivariate data comes a need to develop flexible multivariate distribution classes. The copula approach allows marginal models to be constructed for each variable separately and joined with a dependence structure characterized by a copula. The class of multivariate copulas was limited for a long time to elliptical (including the Gaussian and -copula) and Archimedean families (such as Clayton and Gumbel copulas). Both classes are rather restrictive with regard to symmetry and tail dependence properties. The class of vine copulas overcomes these limitations by building a multivariate model using only bivariate building blocks. This gives rise to highly flexible models that still allow for computationally tractable estimation and model selection procedures. These features made vine copula models quite popular among applied researchers in numerous areas of science. This article reviews the basic ideas underlying these models, presents estimation and model selection approaches, and discusses current developments and future directions.


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