
▪ Abstract 

The genome structures of a large number of viruses transmitted by olpidium and plasmodiophorid vectors have been determined. The viruses are highly diverse, belonging to 12 genera in at least 4 families. Plasmodiophorids are now classified as protists rather than true fungi. This finding, along with the recognition of the great variety of viruses transmitted by olpidium and plasmodiophorid vectors, will likely lead to an elaboration of the details of in vitro and in vivo transmission mechanisms. Recent progress in elucidating the interaction between (CNV) and its zoospore vector suggests that specific sites on the capsid as well as on the zoospore are involved in transmission. Moreover, some features of CNV/zoospore attachment are similar to poliovirus/host cell interactions, suggesting evolutionary conservation of functional features of plant and animal virus capsids.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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