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Annual Review of Genetics - Volume 34, 2000
Volume 34, 2000
- Review Articles
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 1–19More Less▪ AbstractBoveri's idea that somatic mutations are at the root of cancer found its first specific support with the investigation of leukemia and Burkitt's lymphoma, and the discovery of the mechanism of oncogene activation by balanced translocation. The study of retinoblastoma later led to the cloning of the first antioncogene, or tumor suppressor gene, and to understanding the mechanisms by which the wild-type genes lose activity. Only a small subset of cancer involves simple mechanisms. A category of hereditary disorders called the phakomatoses provide a perspective on the chain of oncogenic events in such cancers because of two-hit precursor lesions that have a low probability of malignant transformation. The common carcinomas are much more complex and are typically genetically unstable, owing either to mutational instability or chromosomal instability.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 21–59More Less▪ AbstractPlasmid-encoded partition genes determine the dynamic localization of plasmid molecules from the mid-cell position to the 1/4 and 3/4 positions. Similarly, bacterial homologs of the plasmid genes participate in controlling the bidirectional migration of the replication origin (oriC) regions during sporulation and vegetative growth in Bacillus subtilis, but not in Escherichia coli. In E. coli, but not B. subtilis, the chromosomal DNA is fully methylated by DNA adenine methyltransferase. The E. coli SeqA protein, which binds preferentially to hemimethylated nascent DNA strands, exists as discrete foci in vivo. A single SeqA focus, which is a SeqA-hemimethylated DNA cluster, splits into two foci that then abruptly migrate bidirectionally to the 1/4 and 3/4 positions during replication. Replicated oriC copies are linked to each other for a substantial period of generation time, before separating from each other and migrating in opposite directions. The MukFEB complex of E. coli and Smc of B. subtilis appear to participate in the reorganization of bacterial sister chromosomes.
PROTEIN-SPLICING INTEIN: Genetic Mobility, Origin, and Evolution
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 61–76More Less▪ AbstractIntein is the protein equivalent of intron and has been discovered in increasing numbers of organisms and host proteins. A self-splicing intein catalyzes its own removal from the host protein through a posttranslational process of protein splicing. A mobile intein displays a site-specific endonuclease activity that confers genetic mobility to the intein through intein homing. Recent findings of intein structure and the mechanism of protein splicing illuminated how inteins work and yielded clues regarding intein's origin, spread, and evolution. Inteins can evolve into new structures and new functions, such as split inteins that do trans-splicing. The structural basis of intein function needs to be identified for a full understanding of the origin and evolution of this marvelous genetic element.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 77–137More Less▪ AbstractThe past decade has seen an explosive increase in information about regulation of eukaryotic gene transcription, especially for protein-coding genes. The most striking advances in our knowledge of transcriptional regulation involve the chromatin template, the large complexes recruited by transcriptional activators that regulate chromatin structure and the transcription apparatus, the holoenzyme forms of RNA polymerase II involved in initiation and elongation, and the mechanisms that link mRNA processing with its synthesis. We describe here the major advances in these areas, with particular emphasis on the modular complexes associated with RNA polymerase II that are targeted by activators and other regulators of mRNA biosynthesis.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 139–164More Less▪ AbstractA number of techniques have been developed to assess the expression of microbial virulence genes within the host (in vivo). These studies have shown that bacteria employ a wide variety of mechanisms to coordinately regulate the expression of these genes during infection. Two tenets have emerged from these studies: bacterial adaptation responses are critical to growth within the host, and interactions between microorganisms and the microenvironments of their hosts cannot be revealed from in vitro studies alone. Results that support these tenets include (i) the prevalent class of in vivo expressed genes are involved in adaptation to environmental stresses, (ii) pathogens recovered from host tissues (versus laboratory growth) are often more resistant to host killing mechanisms, and (iii) virulence gene expression can differ in the animal compared to laboratory media. Thus, pathogenicity comprises the unique ability to adapt to the varied host milieus encountered as the infection proceeds.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 165–186More Less▪ AbstractFilamentous fungi grow as a multicellular, multinuclear network of filament-shaped cells called hyphae. A fungal individual can be viewed as a fluid, dynamic system that is characterized by hyphal tip growth, branching, and hyphal fusion (anastomosis). Hyphal anastomosis is especially important in such nonlinear systems for the purposes of communication and homeostasis. Filamentous fungi can also undergo hyphal fusion with different individuals to form heterokaryons. However, the viability of such heterokaryons is dependent upon genetic constitution at heterokaryon incompatibility (het) loci. If hyphal fusion occurs between strains that differ in allelic specificity at het loci, vegetative incompatibility, which is characterized by hyphal compartmentation and cell lysis, is induced. This review covers microscopic and genetic analysis of hyphal fusion and the molecular and genetic analysis of the consequence of hyphal fusion between individuals that differ in specificity at het loci in filamentous ascomycetes.
Jenny Hsieh, and Andrew FireVol. 34 (2000), pp. 187–204More Less▪ AbstractMechanisms for repetition of DNA pose both opportunities and challenges to a functional genome: opportunities for increasing gene expression by amplification of useful sequences, and challenges of controlling amplification by unwanted sequences such as transposons and viruses. Experiments in numerous organisms have suggested the likely existence of a general mechanism for recognition of repeated character in DNA. This review focuses (a) on the nature of these recognition mechanisms, and (b) on types of chromatin modification and gene silencing that are used to control repeated DNA.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 205–232More Less▪ AbstractCourtship is a complex behavior in Drosophila that recruits a wide range of genes for its realization, including those concerning sex determination, ion channels, and circadian rhythms. Results from different experimental approaches—behavioral and genetic comparisons between species, analysis of mutants and mosaics, and identification of specific sensory stimuli—sketch the outlines of a set of pleiotropic genes acting on a distributed system in the brain to produce the species-specific sequence of responses and actions.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 233–254More Less▪ AbstractCoronary heart disease is a complex genetic disease with many genes involved, environmental influences, and important gene-environment interactions. This review discusses the genetic basis of the principal lipoprotein abnormalities associated with coronary heart disease susceptibility in the general population. Individual sections discuss genes regulating LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. A section is included on the effects of the common apo E genetic variation on lipoprotein levels, as well as sections on the genetic regulation of lipoprotein(a) levels, genes regulating the inverse relationship between triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and HDL cholesterol levels, and our current understanding of the genetic basis of familial combined hyperlipidemia. It is clear that the field has progressed, with early studies focused mainly on the association of candidate gene RFLPs with phenotypes, later studies of candidate genes in both parametric and nonparametric linkage studies, and now more and more studies combining linkage analysis with genome scans to identify new loci that influence lipoprotein phenotypes. The future should provide us with the capability to perform reasonable genetic profiling for lipoprotein abnormalities associated with coronary heart disease susceptibility.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 255–295More Less▪ AbstractGenetic and biochemical studies in yeast and animal cells have led to the identification of many components required for endocytosis. In this review, we summarize our understanding of the endocytic machinery with an emphasis on the proteins regulating the internalization step of endocytosis and endosome fusion. Even though the overall endocytic machinery appears to be conserved between yeast and animals, clear differences exist. We also discuss the roles of phosphoinositides, sterols, and sphingolipid precursors in endocytosis, because in addition to proteins, these lipids have emerged as important determinants in the spatial and most likely temporal specificity of endocytic membrane trafficking events.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 297–329More Less▪ AbstractCytogenetic imbalance in the newborn is a frequent cause of mental retardation and birth defects. Although aneuploidy accounts for the majority of imbalance, structural aberrations contribute to a significant fraction of recognized chromosomal anomalies. This review describes the major classes of constitutional, structural cytogenetic abnormalities and recent studies that explore the molecular mechanisms that bring about their de novo occurrence. Genomic features flanking the sites of recombination may result in susceptibility to chromosomal rearrangement. One such substrate for recombination is low-copy region-specific repeats. The identification of genome architectural features conferring susceptibility to rearrangements has been accomplished using methods that enable investigation of regions of the genome that are too small to be visualized by traditional cytogenetics and too large to be resolved by conventional gel electrophoresis. These investigations resulted in the identification of previously unrecognized structural cytogenetic anomalies, which are associated with genetic syndromes and allowed for the molecular basis of some chromosomal rearrangements to be delineated.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 331–358More Less▪ AbstractTelomeres are DNA and protein structures that form complexes protecting the ends of chromosomes. Understanding of the mechanisms maintaining telomeres and insights into their function have advanced considerably in recent years. This review summarizes the currently known components of the telomere/telomerase functional complex, and focuses on how they act in the control of processes occurring at telomeres. These include processes acting on the telomeric DNA and on telomeric proteins. Key among them are DNA replication and elongation of one telomeric DNA strand by telomerase. In some situations, homologous recombination of telomeric and subtelomeric DNA is induced. All these processes act to replenish or restore telomeres. Conversely, degradative processes that shorten telomeric DNA, and nonhomologous end-joining of telomeric DNA, can lead to loss of telomere function and genomic instability. Hence they too must normally be tightly controlled.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 359–399More Less▪ AbstractMismatch repair (MMR) systems play a central role in promoting genetic stability by repairing DNA replication errors, inhibiting recombination between non-identical DNA sequences and participating in responses to DNA damage. The discovery of a link between human cancer and MMR defects has led to an explosion of research on eukaryotic MMR. The key proteins in MMR are highly conserved from bacteria to mammals, and this conservation has been critical for defining the components of eukaryotic MMR systems. In eukaryotes, there are multiple homologs of the key bacterial MutS and MutL MMR proteins, and these homologs form heterodimers that have discrete roles in MMR-related processes. This review describes the genetic and biochemical approaches used to study MMR, and summarizes the diverse roles that MMR proteins play in maintaining genetic stability.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 401–437More Less▪ AbstractChanges in ploidy occurred early in the diversification of some animal and plant lineages and represent an ongoing phenomenon in others. While the prevalence of polyploid lineages indicates that this phenomenon is a common and successful evolutionary transition, whether polyploidization itself has a significant effect on patterns and rates of diversification remains an open question. Here we review evidence for the creative role of polyploidy in evolution. We present new estimates for the incidence of polyploidy in ferns and flowering plants based on a simple model describing transitions between odd and even base chromosome numbers. These new estimates indicate that ploidy changes may represent from 2 to 4% of speciation events in flowering plants and 7% in ferns. Speciation via polyploidy is likely to be one of the more predominant modes of sympatric speciation in plants, owing to its potentially broad-scale effects on gene regulation and developmental processes, effects that can produce immediate shifts in morphology, breeding system, and ecological tolerances. Theoretical models support the potential for increased adaptability in polyploid lineages. The evidence suggests that polyploidization can produce shifts in genetic systems and phenotypes that have the potential to result in increased evolutionary diversification, yet conclusive evidence that polyploidy has changed rates and patterns of diversification remains elusive.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 439–456More Less▪ AbstractEarly genetic studies identified the Escherichia coli groES and groEL genes because mutations in them blocked the growth of bacteriophages λ and T4. Subsequent genetic and biochemical analyses have shown that GroES and GroEL constitute a chaperonin machine, absolutely essential for E. coli growth, because it is needed for the correct folding of many of its proteins. In spite of very little sequence identity to GroES, the bacteriophage T4-encoded Gp31 protein and the bacteriophage RB49-encoded CocO protein are bona fide GroEL cochaperonins, even capable of substituting for GroES in E. coli growth. A major functional distinction is that only Gp31 and CocO can assist GroEL in the correct folding of Gp23, the major bacteriophage capsid protein. Conserved structural features between CocO and Gp31, which are absent from GroES, highlight their potential importance in specific cochaperonin function.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 457–477More Less▪ AbstractAt a small number of mammalian loci, only one of the two copies of a gene is expressed. Just which copy is expressed depends on the sex of the parent from which that copy was inherited. Such genes are said to be imprinted. The functional haploidy implied by imprinting has a number of population genetic consequences. Moreover, since diploidy is widely believed to be advantageous, the evolution of this non-Mendelian form of expression requires an explanation. Here I examine some of the theoretical and mathematical models investigating these two aspects of imprinting. For instance, the dynamics and equilibrium properties of many models of natural selection at imprinted loci are formally equivalent to models without imprinting. And different approaches to modeling the problem of the evolution of imprinting reveal the weakness of several of the apparent predictions of various verbal hypotheses about why imprinting has evolved.
THE SOS RESPONSE: Recent Insights into umuDC-Dependent Mutagenesis and DNA Damage Tolerance
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 479–497More Less▪ AbstractBe they prokaryotic or eukaryotic, organisms are exposed to a multitude of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damaging agents ranging from ultraviolet (UV) light to fungal metabolites, like Aflatoxin B1. Furthermore, DNA damaging agents, such as reactive oxygen species, can be produced by cells themselves as metabolic byproducts and intermediates. Together, these agents pose a constant threat to an organism's genome. As a result, organisms have evolved a number of vitally important mechanisms to repair DNA damage in a high fidelity manner. They have also evolved systems (cell cycle checkpoints) that delay the resumption of the cell cycle after DNA damage to allow more time for these accurate processes to occur. If a cell cannot repair DNA damage accurately, a mutagenic event may occur.
Most bacteria, including Escherichia coli, have evolved a coordinated response to these challenges to the integrity of their genomes. In E. coli, this inducible system is termed the SOS response, and it controls both accurate and potentially mutagenic DNA repair functions [reviewed comprehensively in (25) and also in (78, 94)]. Recent advances have focused attention on the umuD+C+-dependent, translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) process that is responsible for SOS mutagenesis (70, 86). Here we discuss the SOS response of E. coli and concentrate in particular on the roles of the umuD+C+ gene products in promoting cell survival after DNA damage via TLS and a primitive DNA damage checkpoint.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 499–531More Less▪ AbstractRNA editing can be broadly defined as any site-specific alteration in an RNA sequence that could have been copied from the template, excluding changes due to processes such as RNA splicing and polyadenylation. Changes in gene expression attributed to editing have been described in organisms from unicellular protozoa to man, and can affect the mRNAs, tRNAs, and rRNAs present in all cellular compartments. These sequence revisions, which include both the insertion and deletion of nucleotides, and the conversion of one base to another, involve a wide range of largely unrelated mechanisms. Recent advances in the development of in vitro editing and transgenic systems for these varied modifications have provided a better understanding of similarities and differences between the biochemical strategies, regulatory sequences, and cellular factors responsible for such RNA processing events.
GENETICS OF THE MAMMALIAN CIRCADIAN SYSTEM: Photic Entrainment, Circadian Pacemaker Mechanisms, and Posttranslational Regulation
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 533–562More Less▪ AbstractDuring the past four years, significant progress has been made in identifying the molecular components of the mammalian circadian clock system. An autoregulatory transcriptional feedback loop similar to that described in Drosophila appears to form the core circadian rhythm generating mechanism in mammals. Two basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) PAS (PER-ARNT-SIM) transcription factors, CLOCK and BMAL1, form the positive elements of the system and drive transcription of three Period and two Cryptochrome genes. The protein products of these genes are components of a negative feedback complex that inhibits CLOCK and BMAL1 to close the circadian loop. In this review, we focus on three aspects of the circadian story in mammals: the genetics of the photic entrainment pathway; the molecular components of the circadian pacemaker in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus; and the role of posttranslational regulation of circadian elements. A molecular description of the mammalian circadian system has revealed that circadian oscillations may be a fundamental property of many cells in the body and that a circadian hierarchy underlies the temporal organization of animals.
Vol. 34 (2000), pp. 563–591More Less▪ AbstractIn an age when the majority of monogenic human disease genes have been identified, a particular challenge for the coming generation of human geneticists will be resolving complex polygenic and multifactorial diseases. The tools of molecular and population genetic association have much potential as well as peril in uncovering small cryptic genetic effects in disease. We have used a candidate gene approach to identify eight distinct human loci with alleles that in different ways influence the outcome of exposure to HIV-1, the AIDS virus. The successes in these gene hunts have validated the approach and illustrate the strengths and limitations of association analysis in an actual case history. The integration of genetic associations, well-described clinical cohorts, extensive basic research on AIDS pathogenesis, and functional interpretation of gene connections to disease offers a formula for detecting such genes in complex human genetic phenotypes.
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