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Single Journal Pricing
- Analytical Chemistry
- Animal Biosciences
- Anthropology
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical Data Science
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biophysics
- Cancer Biology
- Cell and Developmental Biology
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Clinical Psychology
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems
- Criminology
- Developmental Psychology
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
- Economics
- Entomology
- Environment and Resources
- Financial Economics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Food Science and Technology
- Genetics
- Genomics and Human Genetics
- Immunology
- Law and Social Science
- Linguistics
- Marine Science
- Materials Research
- Medicine
- Microbiology
- Neuroscience
- Nuclear and Particle Science
- Nutrition
- Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
- Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Physical Chemistry
- Physiology
- Phytopathology
- Plant Biology
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Resource Economics
- Sociology
- Statistics and Its Application
- Virology
- Vision Science
You may also download this list: 2024 Single Journal Pricing (XLS, includes ISSN/ISBN)
Tier | Online Journal Price | Online With Print Price* | Print Only* | Single Journal Purchases |
1 | $801 | $1,202 | Contact sales for more information: | |
2 | $755 | $1,134 | ||
3 | $526 | $789 | $529 (all tiers) | |
4 | $372 | $559 | ||
5 | $316 | $475 | ||
6 | $306 | $460 |
*For print availability, please contact [email protected]
Below is the list of journals included in this collection. (Current category ranking in Journal Citation Reports listed in parentheses.)