
In recent years, a diverse set of mechanisms have been developed that allow DNA strands with specific sequences to sense information in their environment and to control material assembly, disassembly, and reconfiguration. These sequences could serve as the inputs and outputs for DNA computing circuits, enabling DNA circuits to act as chemical information processors to program complex behavior in chemical and material systems. This review describes processes that can be sensed and controlled within such a paradigm. Specifically, there are interfaces that can release strands of DNA in response to chemical signals, wavelengths of light, pH, or electrical signals, as well as DNA strands that can direct the self-assembly and dynamic reconfiguration of DNA nanostructures, regulate particle assemblies, control encapsulation, and manipulate materials including DNA crystals, hydrogels, and vesicles. These interfaces have the potential to enable chemical circuits to exert algorithmic control over responsive materials, which may ultimately lead to the development of materials that grow, heal, and interact dynamically with their environments.


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