
Dengue, caused by the dengue virus, is the most widespread arboviral infectious disease of public health significance globally. This review explores the communicative function of olfactory cues that mediate host-seeking, egg-laying, plant-feeding, and mating behaviors in and , two mosquito vectors that drive dengue virus transmission. has adapted to live in close association with humans, preferentially feeding on them and laying eggs in human-fabricated water containers and natural habitats. In contrast, is considered opportunistic in its feeding habits and tends to inhabit more vegetative areas. Additionally, the ability of both mosquito species to locate suitable host plants for sugars and find mates for reproduction contributes to their survival. Advances in chemical ecology, functional genomics, and behavioral analyses have improved our understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms and reveal novel and specific olfactory semiochemicals that these species use to locate and discriminate among resources in their environment. Physiological status; learning; and host- and habitat-associated factors, including microbial infection and abundance, shape olfactory responses of these vectors. Some of these semiochemicals can be integrated into the toolbox for dengue surveillance and control.


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