
Functional foods is a very popular term in the social and scientific media; consequently, food producers have invested resources in the development of processed foods that may provide added functional benefits to consumers’ well-being. Because of intrinsic regulation and end-of-use purposes in different countries, worldwide meanings and definitions of this term are still unclear. Hence, here we standardize this definition and propose a guideline to attest that some ingredients or foods truly deserve this special designation. Furthermore, focus is directed at the most recent studies and practical guidelines that can be used to develop and test the efficacy of potentially functional foods and ingredients. The most widespread functional ingredients, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), probiotics/prebiotics/synbiotics, and antioxidants, and their technological means of delivery in food products are described. The review discusses the steps that food companies should take to ensure that their developed food product is truly functional.


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