
Yeasts directly impact the efficiency of brewery fermentations as well as the character of the beers produced. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in yeast selection and development inspired by the demand to utilize resources more efficiently and the need to differentiate beers in a competitive market. Reviewed here are the different, non-genetically modified (GM) approaches that have been considered, including bioprospecting, hybridization, and adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE). Particular emphasis is placed on the latter, which represents an extension of the processes that have led to the domestication of strains already used in commercial breweries. ALE can be used to accentuate the positive traits of brewing yeast as well as temper some of the traits that are less desirable from a modern brewer's perspective. This method has the added advantage of being non-GM and therefore suitable for food and beverage production.

Keyword(s): beerbrewingevolutionyeast

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