
The two-dimensional congeners of the well-known three-dimensional perovskites display new properties enabled by their reduced dimensionality. Here, organic molecules separate inorganic sheets, affording the properties of both discrete molecules and extended solids in single, well-defined materials. The choice of organic and inorganic components engenders a large range of structural motifs, which yield diverse properties such as electroluminescence, white-light emission, photoconductivity, porosity, and reactivity. Layered halide perovskites have been known for decades. Their recent resurgence compels us to understand the fundamental studies that set the stage for their current technological relevance. We are not providing a comprehensive review of this vast and rapidly growing field. Instead, we highlight some of the discoveries that have directed current research in this field. We hope to introduce new researchers to layered halide perovskites to bring fresh perspectives to study this venerable family of materials that continue to surprise us today.


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