
Political science has been a central part of my life for over half a century. This essay records thoughts about the discipline, what it has given me, and what I hope I have given it. It records my entrance into the field and the direction of my work, and offers a personal view of the nature of political science. Using my own work as the examples, it traces the evolution of comparative survey research as a method. And it outlines a list of works on citizen voice and political equality. It focuses as well on the openness and breadth of the discipline, two of its finest virtues.

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An Interview with Sidney Verba

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Literature Cited

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Nancy Rosenblum, Associate Editor of the Annual Review of Political Science, talks with Sidney Verba at Harvard University. In this prefatory interview, Dr. Verba reflects on the lively contrasts and changes encompassed by his career, which included 24 years as Director of the Harvard University Library as well as his ground-breaking work on inequalities in citizen participation in democracies.

  • Article Type: Review Article
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