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Annual Review of Neuroscience - Volume 27, 2004
Volume 27, 2004
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 1–28More Less▪ AbstractConverging findings of animal and human studies provide compelling evidence that the amygdala is critically involved in enabling us to acquire and retain lasting memories of emotional experiences. This review focuses primarily on the findings of research investigating the role of the amygdala in modulating the consolidation of long-term memories. Considerable evidence from animal studies investigating the effects of posttraining systemic or intra-amygdala infusions of hormones and drugs, as well as selective lesions of specific amygdala nuclei, indicates that (a) the amygdala mediates the memory-modulating effects of adrenal stress hormones and several classes of neurotransmitters; (b) the effects are selectively mediated by the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA); (c) the influences involve interactions of several neuromodulatory systems within the BLA that converge in influencing noradrenergic and muscarinic cholinergic activation; (d) the BLA modulates memory consolidation via efferents to other brain regions, including the caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens, and cortex; and (e) the BLA modulates the consolidation of memory of many different kinds of information. The findings of human brain imaging studies are consistent with those of animal studies in suggesting that activation of the amygdala influences the consolidation of long-term memory; the degree of activation of the amygdala by emotional arousal during encoding of emotionally arousing material (either pleasant or unpleasant) correlates highly with subsequent recall. The activation of neuromodulatory systems affecting the BLA and its projections to other brain regions involved in processing different kinds of information plays a key role in enabling emotionally significant experiences to be well remembered.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 29–51More Less▪ AbstractSynaptic specificity is the culmination of several processes, beginning with the establishment of neuronal subtype identity, followed by navigation of the axon to the correct subdivision of neuropil, and finally, the cell-cell recognition of appropriate synaptic partners. In this review we summarize the work on sensory neurons in crickets, cockroaches, moths, and fruit flies that establishes some of the principles and molecular mechanisms involved in the control of synaptic specificity. The identity of a sensory neuron is controlled by combinatorial expression of transcription factors, the products of patterning and proneural genes. In the nervous system, sensory axon projections are anatomically segregated according to modality, stimulus quality, and cell-body position. A variety of cell-surface and intracellular signaling molecules are used to achieve this. Synaptic target recognition is also controlled by transcription factors such as Engrailed and may be, in part, mediated by cadherin-like molecules.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 53–77More Less▪ AbstractFor humans to manipulate an object successfully, the motor control system must have accurate information about parameters such as the shape of the stimulus, its position of contact on the skin, and the magnitude and direction of contact force. The same information is required for perception during haptic exploration of an object. Much of these data are relayed by the mechanoreceptive afferents innervating the glabrous skin of the digits. Single afferent responses are modulated by all the relevant stimulus parameters. Thus, only in complete population reconstructions is it clear how each of the parameters can be signaled to the brain independently when many are changing simultaneously, as occurs in most normal movements or haptic exploration. Modeling population responses reveals how resolution is affected by neural noise and intrinsic properties of the population such as the pattern and density of innervation and the covariance of response variability.
E PLURIBUS UNUM, EX UNO PLURA1: Quantitative and Single-Gene Perspectives on the Study of Behavior
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 79–105More Less▪ AbstractGenetic studies of behavior have traditionally come in two flavors: quantitative genetic studies of natural variants and single-gene studies of induced mutants. Each employed different techniques and methods of analysis toward the common, ultimate goal of understanding how genes influence behavior. With the advent of new genomic technologies, and also the realization that mechanisms underlying behavior involve a considerable degree of complex gene interaction, the traditionally separate strands of behavior genetics are merging into a single, synthetic strategy.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 107–144More Less▪ AbstractG protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) have proven to be the most highly favorable class of drug targets in modern pharmacology. Over 90% of nonsensory GPCRs are expressed in the brain, where they play important roles in numerous neuronal functions. GPCRs can be desensitized following activation by agonists by becoming phosphorylated by members of the family of G protein–coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). Phosphorylated receptors are then bound by arrestins, which prevent further stimulation of G proteins and downstream signaling pathways. Discussed in this review are recent progress in understanding basics of GPCR desensitization, novel functional roles, patterns of brain expression, and receptor specificity of GRKs and βarrestins in major brain functions. In particular, screening of genetically modified mice lacking individual GRKs or βarrestins for alterations in behavioral and biochemical responses to cocaine and morphine has revealed a functional specificity in dopamine and μ-opioid receptor regulation of locomotion and analgesia. An important and specific role of GRKs and βarrestins in regulating physiological responsiveness to psychostimulants and morphine suggests potential involvement of these molecules in certain brain disorders, such as addiction, Parkinson's disease, mood disorders, and schizophrenia. Furthermore, the utility of a pharmacological strategy aimed at targeting this GPCR desensitization machinery to regulate brain functions can be envisaged.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 145–167More Less▪ AbstractMotor function is severely disrupted following spinal cord injury (SCI). The spinal circuitry, however, exhibits a great degree of automaticity and plasticity after an injury. Automaticity implies that the spinal circuits have some capacity to perform complex motor tasks following the disruption of supraspinal input, and evidence for plasticity suggests that biochemical changes at the cellular level in the spinal cord can be induced in an activity-dependent manner that correlates with sensorimotor recovery. These characteristics should be strongly considered as advantageous in developing therapeutic strategies to assist in the recovery of locomotor function following SCI. Rehabilitative efforts combining locomotor training pharmacological means and/or spinal cord electrical stimulation paradigms will most likely result in more effective methods of recovery than using only one intervention.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 169–192More Less▪ AbstractA category of stimuli of great importance for primates, humans in particular, is that formed by actions done by other individuals. If we want to survive, we must understand the actions of others. Furthermore, without action understanding, social organization is impossible. In the case of humans, there is another faculty that depends on the observation of others' actions: imitation learning. Unlike most species, we are able to learn by imitation, and this faculty is at the basis of human culture. In this review we present data on a neurophysiological mechanism—the mirror-neuron mechanism—that appears to play a fundamental role in both action understanding and imitation. We describe first the functional properties of mirror neurons in monkeys. We review next the characteristics of the mirror-neuron system in humans. We stress, in particular, those properties specific to the human mirror-neuron system that might explain the human capacity to learn by imitation. We conclude by discussing the relationship between the mirror-neuron system and language.
Joshua A. Gordon, and Rene HenVol. 27 (2004), pp. 193–222More Less▪ AbstractAnxiety and its disorders have long been known to be familial. Recently, genetic approaches have been used to clarify the role of heredity in the development of anxiety and to probe its neurobiological underpinnings. Twin studies have shown that a significant proportion of the liability to develop any given anxiety disorder is due to genetic factors. Ongoing efforts to map anxiety-related loci in both animals and humans are underway with limited success to date. Animal models have played a large role in furthering our understanding of the genetic basis of anxiety, demonstrating that the genetic factors underlying anxiety are complex and varied. Recent advances in molecular genetic techniques have allowed increasing specificity in the manipulation of gene expression within the central nervous system of the mouse. With this increasing specificity has come the ability to ask and answer precise questions about the mechanisms of anxiety and its treatment.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 223–246More Less▪ AbstractPosttranslational modification of cellular proteins by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin regulates protein stability, activity, and localization. Ubiquitination is rapid and reversible and is a potent mechanism for the spatial and temporal control of protein activity. By sculpting the molecular composition of the synapse, this versatile posttranslational modification shapes the pattern, activity, and plasticity of synaptic connections. Synaptic processes regulated by ubiquitination, as well as ubiquitination enzymes and their targets at the synapse, are being identified by genetic, biochemical, and electrophysiological analyses. This work provides tantalizing hints that neuronal activity collaborates with ubiquitination pathways to regulate the structure and function of synapses.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 247–278More Less▪ AbstractA variety of population oscillations, at frequencies ∼5 Hz up to 200 Hz and above, can be induced in hippocampal slices either by (a) manipulation of the ionic environment, or (b) by stimulation of metabotropic receptors; brief oscillations can even occur spontaneously. In this review, we consider in vitro theta (4–12 Hz), gamma/beta (15–70 Hz), and very fast oscillations (VFO) (>70 Hz). Many in vitro oscillations are gated by synaptic inhibition but are influenced by electrical coupling as well; one type depends solely on electrical coupling. For some oscillations dependent upon inhibition, the detailed firing patterns of interneurons can influence long-range synchronization. Two sorts of electrical coupling are important in modulating or generating various in vitro oscillations: (a) between interneurons, primarily between dendrites; and (b) between axons of pyramidal neurons. VFO can exist in isolation or can act as generators of gamma frequency oscillations. Oscillations at gamma frequencies and below probably create conditions under which synaptic plasticity can occur, between selected neurons—even those separated by significant axonal conduction delays.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 279–306More Less▪ AbstractThe medial temporal lobe includes a system of anatomically related structures that are essential for declarative memory (conscious memory for facts and events). The system consists of the hippocampal region (CA fields, dentate gyrus, and subicular complex) and the adjacent perirhinal, entorhinal, and parahippocampal cortices. Here, we review findings from humans, monkeys, and rodents that illuminate the function of these structures. Our analysis draws on studies of human memory impairment and animal models of memory impairment, as well as neurophysiological and neuroimaging data, to show that this system (a) is principally concerned with memory, (b) operates with neocortex to establish and maintain long-term memory, and (c) ultimately, through a process of consolidation, becomes independent of long-term memory, though questions remain about the role of perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices in this process and about spatial memory in rodents. Data from neurophysiology, neuroimaging, and neuroanatomy point to a division of labor within the medial temporal lobe. However, the available data do not support simple dichotomies between the functions of the hippocampus and the adjacent medial temporal cortex, such as associative versus nonassociative memory, episodic versus semantic memory, and recollection versus familiarity.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 307–340More Less▪ AbstractA complete understanding of sensory and motor processing requires characterization of how the nervous system processes time in the range of tens to hundreds of milliseconds (ms). Temporal processing on this scale is required for simple sensory problems, such as interval, duration, and motion discrimination, as well as complex forms of sensory processing, such as speech recognition. Timing is also required for a wide range of motor tasks from eyelid conditioning to playing the piano. Here we review the behavioral, electrophysiological, and theoretical literature on the neural basis of temporal processing. These data suggest that temporal processing is likely to be distributed among different structures, rather than relying on a centralized timing area, as has been suggested in internal clock models. We also discuss whether temporal processing relies on specialized neural mechanisms, which perform temporal computations independent of spatial ones. We suggest that, given the intricate link between temporal and spatial information in most sensory and motor tasks, timing and spatial processing are intrinsic properties of neural function, and specialized timing mechanisms such as delay lines, oscillators, or a spectrum of different time constants are not required. Rather temporal processing may rely on state-dependent changes in network dynamics.
Zhigang He, and Vuk KoprivicaVol. 27 (2004), pp. 341–368More Less▪ AbstractA hostile environment and decreased regenerative capacity may contribute to the failure of axon regeneration in the adult central nervous system. Recent studies leading to the identification of several myelin-associated inhibitors and their signaling molecules provide opportunitities to assess the contribution of these inhibitory molecules in restricting axon regeneration. These findings may ultimately allow for the development of strategies to alleviate the inhibitory effects of such molecules in an effort to encourage axon regeneration after spinal cord and brain injury.
MAPS IN THE BRAIN: What Can We Learn from Them?
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 369–392More Less▪ AbstractIn mammalian visual cortex, neurons are organized according to their functional properties into multiple maps such as retinotopic, ocular dominance, orientation preference, direction of motion, and others. What determines the organization of cortical maps? We argue that cortical maps reflect neuronal connectivity in intracortical circuits. Because connecting distant neurons requires costly wiring (i.e., axons and dendrites), there is an evolutionary pressure to place connected neurons as close to each other as possible. Then, cortical maps may be viewed as solutions that minimize wiring cost for given intracortical connectivity. These solutions can help us in inferring intracortical connectivity and, ultimately, in understanding the function of the visual system.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 393–418More Less▪ AbstractMany neurons in the mammalian central nervous system communicate through electrical synapses, defined here as gap junction–mediated connections. Electrical synapses are reciprocal pathways for ionic current and small organic molecules. They are often strong enough to mediate close synchronization of subthreshold and spiking activity among clusters of neurons. The most thoroughly studied electrical synapses occur between excitatory projection neurons of the inferior olivary nucleus and between inhibitory interneurons of the neocortex, hippocampus, and thalamus. All these synapses require the gap junction protein connexin36 (Cx36) for robust electrical coupling. Cx36 appears to interconnect neurons exclusively, and it is expressed widely along the mammalian neuraxis, implying that there are undiscovered electrical synapses throughout the central nervous system. Some central neurons may be electrically coupled by other connexin types or by pannexins, a newly described family of gap junction proteins. Electrical synapses are a ubiquitous yet underappreciated feature of neural circuits in the mammalian brain.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 419–451More Less▪ AbstractWe explore the extent to which neocortical circuits generalize, i.e., to what extent can neocortical neurons and the circuits they form be considered as canonical? We find that, as has long been suspected by cortical neuroanatomists, the same basic laminar and tangential organization of the excitatory neurons of the neocortex is evident wherever it has been sought. Similarly, the inhibitory neurons show characteristic morphology and patterns of connections throughout the neocortex. We offer a simple model of cortical processing that is consistent with the major features of cortical circuits: The superficial layer neurons within local patches of cortex, and within areas, cooperate to explore all possible interpretations of different cortical input and cooperatively select an interpretation consistent with their various cortical and subcortical inputs.
THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF THE ASCIDIAN TADPOLE LARVA: Recent Developments in an Ancient Chordate
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 453–485More Less▪ AbstractWith little more than 330 cells, two thirds within the sensory vesicle, the CNS of the tadpole larva of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis provides us with a chordate nervous system in miniature. Neurulation, neurogenesis and its genetic bases, as well as the gene expression territories of this tiny constituency of cells all follow a chordate plan, giving rise in some cases to frank structural homologies with the vertebrate brain. Recent advances are fueled by the release of the genome and EST expression databases and by the development of methods to transfect embryos by electroporation. Immediate prospects to test the function of neural genes are based on the isolation of mutants by classical genetics and insertional mutagenesis, as well as by the disruption of gene function by morpholino antisense oligo-nucleotides. Coupled with high-speed video analysis of larval swimming, optophysiological methods offer the prospect to analyze at single-cell level the function of a CNS built on a vertebrate plan.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 487–507More Less▪ AbstractControl of prostheses using cortical signals is based on three elements: chronic microelectrode arrays, extraction algorithms, and prosthetic effectors. Arrays of microelectrodes are permanently implanted in cerebral cortex. These arrays must record populations of single- and multiunit activity indefinitely. Information containing position and velocity correlates of animate movement needs to be extracted continuously in real time from the recorded activity. Prosthetic arms, the current effectors used in this work, need to have the agility and configuration of natural arms. Demonstrations using closed-loop control show that subjects change their neural activity to improve performance with these devices. Adaptive-learning algorithms that capitalize on these improvements show that this technology has the capability of restoring much of the arm movement lost with immobilizing deficits.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 509–547More Less▪ AbstractNeurotransmitter release is mediated by exocytosis of synaptic vesicles at the presynaptic active zone of nerve terminals. To support rapid and repeated rounds of release, synaptic vesicles undergo a trafficking cycle. The focal point of the vesicle cycle is Ca2+-triggered exocytosis that is followed by different routes of endocytosis and recycling. Recycling then leads to the docking and priming of the vesicles for another round of exo- and endocytosis. Recent studies have led to a better definition than previously available of how Ca2+ triggers exocytosis and how vesicles recycle. In particular, insight into how Munc18-1 collaborates with SNARE proteins in fusion, how the vesicular Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin 1 triggers fast release, and how the vesicular Rab3 protein regulates release by binding to the active zone proteins RIM1α and RIM2α has advanced our understanding of neurotransmitter release. The present review attempts to relate these molecular data with physiological results in an emerging view of nerve terminals as macromolecular machines.
Vol. 27 (2004), pp. 549–579More Less▪ AbstractNeuronal circuits are shaped by experience during critical periods of early postnatal life. The ability to control the timing, duration, and closure of these heightened levels of brain plasticity has recently become experimentally accessible, especially in the developing visual system. This review summarizes our current understanding of known critical periods across several systems and species. It delineates a number of emerging principles: functional competition between inputs, role for electrical activity, structural consolidation, regulation by experience (not simply age), special role for inhibition in the CNS, potent influence of attention and motivation, unique timing and duration, as well as use of distinct molecular mechanisms across brain regions and the potential for reactivation in adulthood. A deeper understanding of critical periods will open new avenues to “nurture the brain”—from international efforts to link brain science and education to improving recovery from injury and devising new strategies for therapy and lifelong learning.
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