
Understanding and predicting how biosystems function require knowledge about the dynamic physicochemical environments with which they interact and alter by their presence. Yet, identifying specific components, tracking the dynamics of the system, and monitoring local environmental conditions without disrupting biosystem function present significant challenges for analytical measurements. Nanomaterials, by their very size and nature, can act as probes and interfaces to biosystems and offer solutions to some of these challenges. At the nanoscale, material properties emerge that can be exploited for localizing biomolecules and making chemical measurements at cellular and subcellular scales. Here, we review advances in chemical imaging enabled by nanoscale structures, in the use of nanoparticles as chemical and environmental probes, and in the development of micro- and nanoscale fluidic devices to define and manipulate local environments and facilitate chemical measurements of complex biosystems. Integration of these nano-enabled methods will lead to an unprecedented understanding of biosystem function.


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