
Functional annotation of genomes is a prerequisite for contemporary basic and applied genomic research, yet farmed animal genomics is deficient in such annotation. To address this, the FAANG (Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes) Consortium is producing genome-wide data sets on RNA expression, DNA methylation, and chromatin modification, as well as chromatin accessibility and interactions. In addition to informing our understanding of genome function, including comparative approaches to elucidate constrained sequence or epigenetic elements, these annotation maps will improve the precision and sensitivity of genomic selection for animal improvement. A scientific community–driven effort has already created a coordinated data collection and analysis enterprise crucial for the success of this global effort. Although it is early in this continuing process, functional data have already been produced and application to genetic improvement reported. The functional annotation delivered by the FAANG initiative will add value and utility to the greatly improved genome sequences being established for domesticated animal species.


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