
The surface of plant leaves, or the phyllosphere, harbors hyperdiverse microbial communities. These communities mediate foliar functional traits, influence plant fitness, and contribute to several ecosystem functions, including nutrient and water cycling. In this review, we briefly recall the history of phyllosphere research and present the features of this microbial habitat. Adopting a recent framework for evolutionary community ecology, we then review evidence for each of the four major processes shaping phyllosphere microbial communities: dispersal, evolutionary diversification, selection, and drift. We show how these processes are influenced by the host plant, the surrounding atmospheric conditions, and microbial interactions. Rapidly growing evidence indicates that phyllosphere microbial communities are altered by global change, with potential cascading effects on plant performance, plant evolution, and ecosystem functioning. We propose future avenues for phyllosphere research aimed at improving plant adaptation and ecosystem resilience to environmental changes.


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